How to open and balance your chakras
Today, we are going to help you learn how to open and balance your chakras. Essentially, chakras refer to the wheels of energy found throughout the body that also correspond to specific organs and glands. When they are open and aligned, a person experiences both mental and physical wellbeing. However, when they are closed and misaligned, that same person can have the opposite experience. That’s why we’re dedicated to showing you how to keep them under control for maximum personal health and happiness.
To refresh your memory, there are seven main chakras that align the spine. They start at the base and extend all the way through the crown of the head. Theoretically, they create a swirl of energy that is called Prana, which fuses matter and consciousness. It is this energy that is the vital life force that keeps us happy and healthy. Because every person is unique and has subjective experiences that are always in flux, the alignment of their chakras also change. The goal is to keep energy flowing throughout the body, which is why blocked and misaligned chakras can cause problems.
Why Awareness is Important
Since every person is ultimately a combination of their mind, body, spirit and soul, it’s important for us to realize that when any of these is afflicted, the damage extends a lot further than the symptoms would suggest. It’s similar to a psychosomatic disorder, when a person develops physical pain that is not the result of any concrete damage to their nerves or tissue, but is actually a byproduct of some kind of mental issue. Treating the pain will not make it go away, but treating the mental disorder will.
Unless there’s a very apparent problem, it may be difficult to detect a chakra imbalance since people have been conditioned to treat most symptoms, whatever they may be, with standard medicines. Addressing the source of the problem can eradicate the issue, but treating the symptom just masks the real cause behind it. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to how our bodies as well as our minds work in unison. A broken leg is very likely not a symptom of a misaligned chakra, but recurring headaches or consistent sore throats may be indicators of blocked energy. Learning how to open and balance your chakras can help you eradicate the problem.
Being aware of our experiences – how they and the extent of their impact affect us – can help us detect which chakra is thrown off balance, while keeping the others open and balanced in the process. To do that, we have to understand the roles of each one. The first three chakras, which start at the base of the spine, are considered to be the chakras of “matter”. Muladhara, Svadhisthana, and Manipura are respectively related to our basic needs. These boil down to security, sex and companionship, as well as food.
The fourth chakra, however, is very different. Anahata is located at and around the heart, and is at the very center of the seven chakras. You can think of it as a unifier between the chakras of “matter” and the chakras of the “spirit”, which are delegated to the remaining three. Because of its role and location, it serves as the source of our love and sense of connection to each other, the world, and the life-giving energy that flows through us. In this sense, Anahata is more of a spiritual chakra that mediates the connection between all of the chakras together.
Now, Vishuddha, Ajna and Sahaswara are chakras of the “spirit”. These are responsible for our search and desire for the ultimate truth, intuition, and enlightment – respectively. When we combine the chakras of matter with the chakras of the spirit, we have a complete human being. One of the main ways to practice awareness is to engage in mindfulness and meditation. To help guide your meditation practice, we have included a special candle in the fall Awaken Box.
How to Open and Balance Your Chakras: Muladhara
Today, our goal is to teach you how to open and balance the first of the chakras of matter because of its affiliation with stability. Since it’s also the chakra on which all the other chakras rest, it’s immeasurably important for the balance and alignment of all the others. Imbalance of Muladhara can lead to nightmares, anxiety, depression, nervousness, and a general sense of helplessness. Physical symptoms may include colon and bladder problems, eating disorders, leg issues, and many other unpleasant side effects.
You already know that every chakra corresponds to a certain body part and gland, but each one is also affiliated with a specific color (frequency), gem, yoga pose, and mantra. Using gems that are reflective of the color red are strongly suggested since that is the color affiliated with Muladhara. Furthermore, several yoga poses can help realign the root chakra. These include the chest to knees pose, the head to knee pose, the lotus flexion pose and the squatting pose. And, practicing an affirmation that is focused on security, health and stability are also encouraged, since sounds produce vibrations that can help cells function in unison. We have included one for you in the Awaken Box.
A comprehensive and holistic approach to health and wellness requires a lot more than just a list of physical offerings; it requires us to care about the quality of your life. That’s why at Merkaela, we strive to provide you with quality products as well as affirmations, music and useful information, all of which you can implement into your daily life. Now that you understand how to open and balance your chakras, we sincerely hope you find the Awaken Box a valuable asset in your journey to health and wellness.
[…] have a better chance of connecting to its powerful energy. It’s a great opportunity to for aligning the chakras and connecting to a higher […]