Back in 2006, a woman by the name of Rhonda Byrne published a very successful book about the power of intention called The Secret. Its immense popularity still shows no signs of waning, which is pretty impressive considering how long it’s been around. But, the book is also revealing of an uncomfortable truth – a lot of peoples’ realities are very disconnected from their dreams leaving them in search of more fulfilling lives. Fact is, whether or not you read The Secret, you can definitely learn to use the power of intention to your advantage.
What Exactly is the Power of Intention?
Our power of intention is directly tied to the strength of our desire. It is in many ways the beginning of every dream, which is why some people refer to it as a “creative power”. In other words, you can think of intention as a specific kind of focus that allows you to harness your creative energy and direct it towards accomplishing some kind of goal, whether it’s material, spiritual, or physical. A lot of people seem to be under the impression that this is easy, but keeping focus requires a strong mental commitment to the goal as well as a good amount of strategic planning.
Furthermore, not all of us are in tune with what we really want. With how much propaganda, advertising, and subliminal coercion we encounter about what we “should” want in our daily lives, is it any surprise many of us are as lost as ever? Suppose you had to make a list of what you want out of life by the end of today, how many times would you edit the list before the end of this year? Probably a few. Because figuring out what we REALLY want is actually much harder than it seems. One way to discover more about the self is to engage in meditation.
Use Meditation to Get Centered and Quiet the Mind
Because there is so much outside noise, our minds are rattled with different thoughts, emotions and reactions. These generally tend to distract from the pure state of awareness required for a little bit of stillness and reflection. After your meditation period, when your mind is clear and your heart is calm, take a moment to think about your true desires and plant the seeds of your intention. Then, let it go. Just as you’re not going to sit there and watch a seed grow into a tree, you are not going to dwell on your intentions.
One of the most important things you have to understand is that the power of intention stems from contentment. It’s about attracting what you exude, so those who exude nervousness, need or insecurity tend to get it back. Furthermore, it’s important to revisit your intention for a brief period on a daily basis. Much like a seed needs water to grow, your intention needs your attention to manifest. And, perhaps most importantly, you have to learn to trust yourself. Despite the fact that people know themselves better than anyone, most don’t seem to trust their instincts.
Don’t Put a Clock on Your Desired Outcome
While it’s perfectly understandable to want to know when to expect what you want, that may actually be asking too much. Intentions can’t be scheduled since they’re not like meetings, or dates, or lunchtime. They are about accepting and acting on opportune chances, taking measured risks and, above all, learning how to trust yourself. If you are proactive, thoughtful and tempered, there’s a very good chance that the power of your intention will be more effective.
It’s true, however, that a rational mind may experience at least some amount of difficulty trusting the organizing powers of the universe to make its intentions a reality. But, then again, nothing is as sure to blow our rational minds as the secrets we are yet to discover about the universe if modern astrophysics is any indication of what’s to come. And, the simple fact is that obsessive vigilance is not as helpful as cool collectedness in the face of certain uncertainty. That’s why every enlightened person at some point or another stressed the importance of keeping calm.
Though it’s fair to say that a lot of people will never buy into the idea of a universe that is responsive to our intentions, there is still a lot of truth about the power intention wields over us. If we set a goal and revisit it on a regular basis while adjusting course as we gather experiences along the way, we are a lot more likely to achieve our desires than simply hoping that they will come true for no other reason than us wanting them too. Hence the popular phrase, “Luck favors the prepared.” Keeping your goals at the forefront of your mind will help you make decisions that can make them come true.
At Merkaela, we sincerely believe that a mentally and emotionally healthy person has a strong sense of self. While we may not always know exactly what we’re thinking, feeling, or wishing for in a fleeting moment, having a comprehensive understanding of who we are as people helps us make choices that are more honest, and therefore more fulfilling. Everyone has the power to be happy, especially if they harvest the transformative power of intention on a daily basis.
[…] spectacular supermoon coming up on November 14th is the optimum time for focusing your intentions, figuring out our desires, and practicing meditation to achieve a new level in the ongoing process […]