When we talk about “ spiritual awakening ”, also commonly referred to as “ spiritual enlightenment ” we are really referring to a set of complex belief systems that don’t have a concrete definition. That’s because every person’s journey to this place is unique, and how it’s reached and experienced is highly subjective. But, most people who have been spiritually awakened generally agree that the process encompasses some form of self-realization and a shift in perspective about the relationship between the material world and the spiritual one.
For some, spiritual awakening is a slow journey that can take months or even years. For others, it could be the result of a profound experience such as a brush with death or having some kind of personal revelation. Hence there’s really no specific way to achieve it. Unlike some movies would have you believe, spiritual awakening involves a lot of personal introspection, which may not be a pleasant process for those who have compartmentalized painful or negative emotions that resulted from bad experiences, as it requires us to be fully honest with ourselves.
When we carry around a lot of negativity in our minds and in our hearts, we become trapped by it, unable to move on. The goal is to understand its impact, make peace with it, and then let it go. Doing so will give us the opportunity and room for personal growth, expand our capacity to forgive and love, as well as provide us with a greater sense of awareness and personal security. That’s because negativity leads to fear, which is a handicapping emotion. Letting it go creates room for happiness and positivity, which provides us with a sense of freedom and connection.
Furthermore, negativity blocks the flow of energy in our bodies, which can lead to mental as well as physical ailments. One of the ways we can reverse this effect is to open up and balance our chakras through the implementation and practice of awareness. As you already know from our previous blogs, awareness and enlightenment are very closely connected. That’s because being aware of what’s truly important for our minds, bodies, spirits and souls, can provide us with a sense of peace as well as belonging to something much greater than ourselves.
Spiritual Awakening and The Power of Love
There are many religions, philosophies, and schools of thought directed at helping us achieve a spiritual awakening. Although the details can be quite different, they all have something in common; they all emphasize the power and existence of unconditional love. Our world, that is the material world, is full of conditions where love is not necessarily easily given or received. The spiritual realm is one of unconditional love that is both incredibly pure and vastly abundant. To experience unconditional love, we have to let go of judgment, fear, and insecurity; we must truly believe we are worthy of it.
Because we are made up of space dust (iron is created during supernovas), we are an integral part of the universe and vice versa. Because it reinforces the idea of belonging, this is a freeing and comforting feeling for many. It leads to the realization that we are part of nature, which is part of the universe, which is a part of us. In other words, everything we need to be happy, healthy and fulfilled is actually already within us – not somewhere unreachable. When we practice awareness, we can access a part of ourselves that is as expansive and all-inclusive as the universe to which we belong.
The first thing we have to do is learn to love ourselves. This is incredibly hard to do in a world where our self-worth is constantly tied to material things and artificially set expectations of what a successful life looks like. Because we are constantly striving to achieve some sort of standard that has been placed on us, awareness takes a back seat to experiences that don’t necessarily make us feel whole, complete, or unconditionally loved. Instead, we are taught to compete, critique one anther, and worse. Spiritual awakening allows us to prioritize what is really important for our wellbeing.
Spiritual Awakening and Following Our Passions
One of the ways we can begin the process of spiritual awakening is discovering what makes us feel complete. Exploring our creativity and finding our passions allows us to bridge the divide between fulfillment and social expectations. By doing what we love, we satisfy the creator that lives within all of us. Once we tap into our talents, we can begin to make conscious choices to pursue the things that make us truly happy. And happy people are in the position to spread happiness to others, which gives their lives meaning and purpose. Spiritual awareness is closely tied to helping others.
When we embrace what comes our way, we have an easier time going with the flow. Although we should have goals, ambitions, and desires, we should also cultivate the ability to listen to our hearts and intuition. Pushing for something is not always the best way to get it. When we focus and give ourselves up to the present moment, we are able to appreciate the uniqueness and beauty of that moment. It can facilitate feelings of joy and fulfillment because we understand the temporary nature of it. Instead of thinking about the past, which is forever gone, or the future, which is not here yet, we have the opportunity to “live” within each minute that’s given to us. That is the very essence of growth and fulfillment.
When it comes to having a spiritual awakening, in the words of The Rolling Stones, “you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need”.
[…] out our desires, and practicing meditation to achieve a new level in the ongoing process of spiritual awakening. To do this, we suggest engaging in a manifestation ritual. Start by preparing a special […]